Design Document

Pitch: A horror game that knows when you're afraid via biofeedback.

Concept: A dark horror game that plays on lighting and shadows to try to scare the player. If the game detects that the player is not scared, via a biofeedback device such as a heart-rate monitor the game gets more difficult and tries to scare you more. The game will also do the reverse if it detects that the player is scared. A brainwave headset could also be used to help detect fear levels via beta waves. Mini game levels will be based upon not blinking for a set time limit to prevent being killed.

Technology: The game will use a brainwave headset to detect beta waves and blinking and a heart-rate monitor to detect fear more accurately.

Visual Style: Dark and shadowy environments.

Navigation: Keyboard and Mouse (but could use the oculus rift for more inmersion).

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